Visual Styles of Learning

The child who gravitates towards visual styles of learning agree with the statement, "what they see is what they get".   Help them get math, by making it visual.

How do you Know if your child is a Visual Learner?

  • Does your child gravitate towards books, especially those with graphics and color illustrations?
  • When spelling a word, do they need to write it down to "see if it looks right"?
  • Do they particularly like descriptive scenes in writing and try to imagine the scene?
  • Do you find yourself drawing pictures or diagrams to help explain something to your child?
  • If you don't offer diagrams or pictures, does your child get frustrated?

If you answered yes to a number of these questions, the chances are your child's preferred styles of learning are visual.

You don't think your child is a visual learner?

Once you go through these questions, you may decide your child does not gravitate towards the visual style. 

There are other styles of learning, that you should check out.

What should you do to help your child who has the visual style of learning?

  • Use Flash cards - in color where possible.
  • Use color coordination whenever possible and applicable.
  • Draw diagrams to illustrate the topic you are explaining.
  • Encourage your child to use highlighter pens.
  • Make charts to organize information.
  • If a problem requires a number of steps to solve, encourage your child to write out the sequence of steps in a diagram (e.g. flow chart) format.
  • Where possible, use diagrams that illustrate key concepts

Where to go from here?

Don't forget that this is just a preference your child is showing.  Styles of learning change, so don't overload your child with one approach.  Variety is still the key.  Whenever possible, allow your child to explore math through all the different styles.

Seeing pictures is wonderful, but actually experiencing it will bring math to life.  Listening to online videos or DVD's is an excellent resource as they utilize both visual and auditory skills simultaneously.

Why not encourage your child (no matter the age) to start a math club.  A social gathering of like minded children can do wonders for any style of learner.  This way they can make good use of their math journal and either have a play date or hang out (depending on their age!)

Move from Styles of Learning to our other Tutoring Hints and Tips for parent tutors or explore the rest of Printable Math Worksheets.

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