Parental Involvement in Elementary Education is Crucial

Are you actively involved in your child's Elementary Education? 

Your involvement in their elementary education can make all the difference! And I don't mean PTA involvement, as admirable as that is. I mean sitting down and being their educator whenever the need arises.

That's the teacher's job - right? Yes - but it's your job also.

Are you aware of the current issues being discussed with regards to math in our elementary education system?

Do you know the Grade Level Expectations for your child's grade? If your child is having problems with math, it may seem like a difficult task ahead to help them get back to where they should be, but just remember, as long as there is just a little sunshine where there is a little rain - there is always a rainbow!

Don't fret, what you need to help your child with math is here! A little reading, a little research and a little practice every day is gong to go a long way to helping your child.

Your child's teacher is responsible for their elementary education - at school.  You are responsible for their education at home.

We as parents.

When babies are born, we jump right into their education. We actively teach them how to walk and talk.  What is safe and what is dangerous.

We read books to them, and teach them the alphabet.  We teach them numeracy skills by counting coloring pencils, and playing with building blocks. The list seems endless! By doing these activities we are effectively jump starting their elementary education in math. 

But how many parents continue this level of input after the child starts school?

Fortunately for your child, as you are here reading this page - you are one of them.

Both Elementary Education and Primary Education are compulsory. However so many parents make the assumption that their child's education is out of their hands, once the child goes to school.

As a parent, consider yourself your child's in-house teachers aide!

Our Elementary Education System never seems to stop changing the goal posts!

One system uses text books.  Another does not.  The system, like a pendulum, swings from 'old school' rote learning to 'the newer' investigation methods.

Have you heard someone reference 'Fuzzy Math'?  What is it? Let's not forget the 'no child left behind' concept. Is it good or bad?  Do you know the pros and cons?

It is confusing, but the great thing is, there are Education Standards.

The one thing that doesn't change (too much) is Grade Level Expectations.  Although the teaching methods change, the level of education the student must achieve at each particular grade seems to remain static.

And of course there is Elementary Maths itself.  A wonderful constant in the world around us.  No matter how we want to look at it two plus two will always equal four!

Being Involved

As a parent, being actively involved with your child's Elementary Education is crucial.  Knowing, from their school report, whether they are:

  • Bellow Standard
  • At Standard or
  • Above Standard is not enough.

You must know what that standard is.  The US National Educational Standards for Math state these standards clearly.  If you prefer some lighter reading I have created a summary by grade level.

I would never get in my car and just start driving.  I am guessing it is the same for you. I always want to know where I am going, and know where I am. (Well most of the time I do!)

I need this information for a happy, stress free car trip.

You need the same information for your child's happy, stress free education.

What you need.

You need:

  1. A method to determine the standard your student is at.
  2. A reputable source to determine the standard they must achieve.
  3. Easy to follow directions on how to get them there.

The responsibility of your child's Elementary Education does not solely belong on the shoulders of teachers or the education system in general. A large portion rests on your shoulders.

The hidden advantages of home tutoring.

Taking a proactive role in your child's education has many advantages other than the desired outcome.

  1. Your child sees you as a proactive ally who is willing to help them. This is an amazing parent child bond that is priceless.
  2. You will be in full control of tracking their successes - so you will have ample warning to get organised for those many celebrations you will be having along the math journey together!
  3. It is great fun to watch and assist your child learn new things. Remember back to how you felt when they took their first baby steps! Yes Math can be fun too!
  4. Children love to 'show off' to their parents. Your amazed reaction to their 'discoveries' (such as 1/2 is the same as 50%) will encourage them to make even more 'discoveries'!
  5. And of course on the financial side - active home involvement is a lot cheaper than private tutors down the road.

Math was my worst subject in school!

Okay, so you are one of the thousands of people who completed their schooling, never having enjoyed a day of math!  That's unfortunate, but it is the way it is.

You can however, ensure your child does not feel the same way, when they complete their schooling.

You use math every day.  From grocery shopping and budget planning to high tech engineering. Mathematics is used by us all, including you, on a daily basis. You may not have been a math whiz in school, but the amount of math you now have, is more than enough to help your child at elementary level.

If you have any difficulty, it will probably be how to teach your child and not a lack of knowledge. But don't worry, I have that covered for you also!


Elementary education is the very foundation your child will build upon for the rest of their lives.  Math, whether we like it or not, plays a huge part in what our children will be capable of achieving in the future.

I know a pastor whose math results in high school nearly prevented him from pursuing his chosen avenue in theological studies.

Do not allow your child to be stopped from pursuing their chosen path because they just don't get math.

Help them 'get it'!

The education system should be considered a team of four critical players:

  1. The curriculum
  2. The teacher
  3. The student
  4. The Parent

All must take responsibility for their role on the team. If this is done, the student will have a fun math experience...

...and of course the desired results will be achieved. 

If you enjoyed this piece on Elementary Education, you can get more great information in our Parent Tutor section, or explore everything else Printable Math Worksheets has to offer.

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